By yikes - 21/04/2012 08:36 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 19/01/2011 05:45 - United States
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia
By SpideyFace - 19/03/2011 01:36 - Canada
By yuckspider - 20/04/2009 00:17 - United States
Sticky situation
By Anonymous - 24/07/2022 06:00
By somuchforthat - 19/02/2010 07:38 - Australia
By spiderwoman - 04/11/2012 17:12 - Iceland - Reykjav
Leave spiders to chill
By Anonymous - 17/12/2020 14:07
Monster in my bathroom
By Thescarlettfox - 16/02/2020 01:00
By imfromtexas02 - 06/06/2009 14:03 - United States
Top comments
Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah.
Most horrible death, I even feel sad for the spider
Lucky spider ;)
That is my worst nightmare... I hate those little bastards.
Your worst nightmare is pooping a spider..?
I think they're just referring to any method of a spider getting to their ass.
Could be worse, could have been a snake in the toilet!
242-that doesn't even make sense!
That's just gross. FYL
Has it been that long OP? Along came a spider and sat down inside her spinning its web all day
The spiders version to visiting the grand canyon.
153 you win the Internet That was great
153- that's a good one. I'm still laughing.
1: happy belated birthday. My random page view seems to be about 10 minutes late. OP, yeah that's really disgusting to find. I hope it's not a recurring thing.
LMFAO. just imagined homer singing this to the tune of spider pig
True that
^^No, I do it too. If anyone on here is wierd, it's 2. Come at me.
Ok am I the only one here extremely put off by the fact that it seems like NO man on here looks after they wipe? How the hell do they know they got all the crap off their ass? It should be....... Wipe, look.... not clean. fold toilet paper. Wipe, look.... not clean. fold toilet paper. Wipe, look.... clean!!!!!! Flush toilet paper. wash hands and youre done. There you go men, and boys of the world. Potty training 101
I'm pretty sure OP is a girl since boys don't wipe when they pee.
First world country problems... :/
117, for the record, Hitdude is a man. Right there your argument is invalid. Secondly, judging by your name I'm assuming you aren't a man, and you have no place telling us what to do. Lastly, most people DO look, and the person you were replying to is a female. There you go, argument shredding 101. P.S. Most of us use more than 1 square of toilet paper, so there is no folding required.
actually I live in the third world and we have the same problem
Has anyone ever wondered what happened to the second world?
It was the soviet union and it's satellite states, doesn't exist anymore
173 I love you
186 - YES.
just like before you take a bite of your food , you look. and the next bite, etc.
drgentlemn.... I love you.
The itsy bitsy spider went up the va-gi-na Out came the pee and washed the spider out!
I believe the reason they said ****** was because it rhymes better than ********.
121- There was no rhyming at all. And pee doesn't come out of the ******** either...
Women pee out of their ********? Learn something new everyday.
Pee doesn't come out of the clit either, It's the urethra. Damn. Some people's children.
And pee comes out the urethra..
Smh 121 and sorry guys i said the first thing to come to mind with 3 syllables
*face palm*
Y U people no study biology?!
63- dude a girls pee still comes out of the front only it has a separate opening from the ******, it is still hidden somewhat in the ******. I'm 14 and I know that what did you think they pee from the anus?
and people that opening isn't the clitoreas "however that was spelled" it is called the urethra same as a guy
Oh girl its time for you to flean down there!!
Yeah, she really needs 'flean' down there
I didn't know people still spoke Old English....
People who are normal
10, I'm sure you do it too, you just don't want to admit it.
Apparently everyone apart from you 10
I look... Is that weird?
Clean* damn fat thumbs!
Everyone looks after wiping. Don't deny it! We all know you do!

The itsy bitsy spider went up the va-gi-na Out came the pee and washed the spider out!
Poor spider...