By Anonymous - 17/06/2014 02:45 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I was going to the bathroom at work. When I stood up, I noticed a little button on the side. I pressed it and the toilet flushed. I've worked there for nine months and just found out today that our toilets don't flush automatically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 828
You deserved it 47 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How unaware of your surroundings are you... YDI


frenchiegirl1 6

It would be hilarious if it's a small workplace and everyone can see who comes and goes from the bathroom. He's clearly the party's pooper

this definitely needs a follow up... sounds pretty disgusting

Maybe - just maybe - it is an automatic flushing toilet, and the button forces an extra flush.

It's possible that it is or was an automatic flusher. I know certain toilets if the sensor isn't working properly there is a backup button you can press. There's a Good chance it was just busted and he realized the button was there

Don't you even check to make sure the toilet flushes? Don't you notice that you don't hear the toilets flushing?

Maybe OP is working in a pumped-storage hydroelectricity facility and the flushing sound of the toilet usually just vanishes in all that background noise?

OMG lol that's is really funny but that sucks at the same time

good job ,man ,your boss must be love you very much !