By Anonymous - 17/06/2014 02:45 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I was going to the bathroom at work. When I stood up, I noticed a little button on the side. I pressed it and the toilet flushed. I've worked there for nine months and just found out today that our toilets don't flush automatically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 827
You deserved it 47 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How unaware of your surroundings are you... YDI


How did you not notice it not be automatic when the toilet never flushed behind you?

"I wonder what this button does" *pushes button* "Oh..."

that button is for courtesy flushes. its all good. if your not well liked it must be for another reason.

SwtCherryPie 26

It could still be automatic. We have automatic flushing toilets at work but there's a button on the side still to flush in case it doesn't do it on it's own or whatever (sensor goes bad, doesn't register you, etc.)

You know, if I'm at an automatic toilet, and I don't hear it flush after I'm done and have readjusted myself, I look for a button that makes it flush. It didn't occur to you to do this? Granted, most "non-automatic" toilets have levers and not buttons, but still!

They still probably flush automatically. Most automatic toilets have the manual flush as well, to help prevent clogging. Also convenient as a courtesy flush :-)

supersquirel500 10

at my old school our toilets had a button and were automatic. the button was only in case the automatic didn't work.

strangeite 4

Some automatic toilets have a button as well in case they don't flush, usually a small one, so you might be fine

So wait how quickly do you wash your hands and get out of there, that you thought it was natural for the toilet to have not recognized you were finished? I don't leave the stall until the toilet starts to flush.

RedPillSucks 31

So, when your coworks said "I don't want to deal with your crap anymore". What did you think they meant?