By Anonymous - 17/06/2014 02:45 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I was going to the bathroom at work. When I stood up, I noticed a little button on the side. I pressed it and the toilet flushed. I've worked there for nine months and just found out today that our toilets don't flush automatically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 827
You deserved it 47 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How unaware of your surroundings are you... YDI


Only thing worse is having a co worker (like I have) who clearly sees the flush handle, yet continues to walk away without flushing our employee only toilet...every time, every day, several times a he's too good or special to flush his own.

Who just assumes this? Obv OP, But really wtf...

aznpeaks 7

Cleveland voice: Oo that's nasty...

I always examine my trophy anyway before I send it to the land of Pooville

It could just be a manual override button. A lot of automatics have those, in case they didn't go off for the last guy for some reason(they aren't the most reliable tech) or in case the last load was too darn big to handle with one flush.

I would like to think that they are automatic, and that button is the backup button, cuz otherwise, you are extremely disgusting

I feel bad for the people that used the same stall after you..

I'm pretty sure all automatic toilets have a little button on the side. And the ones at my work take about a minute before they actually flush. So, OP could be out of the bathroom by then.

I always make sure it flushes cause that shit is nasty

Yes, as do I. But alas, OP obviously does not. Perhaps this situation will rid OP of said fault.

LO1014 16

All the automatic toilets I've seen have buttons, so they might be automatic. If not, you might consider paying better attention to your surroundings.