By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 07:29 - United States

Today, I was grounded for not agreeing with an article on dating my mom found in a very strict magazine. The article told parents to monitor phone calls, make rumors about their children cheating on people, and not allow their children anywhere but home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 510
You deserved it 3 144

Same thing different taste


catalin 0

Nobody is f*****g any douchebags

Because if you're a Mormon you're automatically a bad person, right? You're your own person, religion doesn't always have to define you. I know lot's of Mormons who would disagree with that article but that's beside the point, how do you know whether or not the Mom is Mormon or not anyway? Arrogant tools.

RedPillSucks 31

OP doesn't mention religion, so we have no idea if that's even an issue. I don't understand this countries obsession with demonizing certain religions. Even those that claim Christianity, such as Mormons, Catholics (in the south, people dislike them), and Unitarians.

wow.. the draconian method isn't dead, lol

If your mom starts to offer you Kool Aid, I would probably not drink it.

agigantorllama 0

Grab your phone, run away, and try not to cheat on anyone

Lichinamo 33

I sure hope you mean '**** The World' instead of 'For The Win', 58. Mostly for........ health reasons. Yeah, health reasons. That's believeable.

ninjabytes 0

Sounds like my girlfriends bitch parents... oh, and my gf has 2 creepy step siblings..

daughterofabitch 4

wow that ******* sucks and imagine if you agreed

I can see how much she loves you.. jk.

lolol_BKYCHO 3

Sounds like it's time to move out!