By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 18:33 - United States

Today, I was handling corrosive chemicals when I accidentally spilled a beaker of Hydrochloric Acid on myself. I had to strip naked and use the emergency shower with my boss and my hot coworker watching. The worst part was when I realized my coworker was laughing at the size of my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 420
You deserved it 7 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, women just don't understand shrinkage.

RiverRelic 0

You have a pretty valid complaint to make to HR. Of course, you then have to keep reliving the humiliation but that was pretty unprofessional on her part. (You may also have misinterpretted her laughter. Was it from nervousness? Some people do that. )


XanimalloverX 0

Because if he did have burns he'd be in the hospital it's ACID those burns would probably put him in the hospital

XanimalloverX 0

Also if he does have burns and hasn't gone to the hospital he's a ******* idiot for not getting treatment it burns you start to scream and shake and you go into shock and you want to faint. that's how bad it is. if he's on FML he is probably fine

licketyslit 0

having a hard on in the shower is funny, but still, FYL

nutcase608 0

well its your own fault for spilling it on ur nuts and it must have been embarsing to strip naked in the process but that was really bitchcy of your co worker she needs to get a life dont worry ull get threw it!!

SubAtomicBeauty 0

Oh please. Unless you were working with undiluted HCl, it wasn't IMPERATIVE that you strip off your clothes immediately. You had time to tell her to gtfo. Besides, working with undiluted HCl means you should've beek wearing, at minimum, an apron and goggles, meaning the most you would've done is gotten it on your hands/arms, which could easily be washed in a sink. YDI, for either not following basic lab safety or lying about this FML.

Great point! Ya in my chem class we always use low molarity HCl and we have had situations where people spill some on themselves, and there is hardly a need to go using the emergency shower. And any guy handling anything that corrosive probably should be a little smarter.... ydi for probably overreacting. Sucks about the small penis too

What? No. I use 12M HCl all the time and the only thing that's required is goggles. It's extremely inconvenient to wear some sort of biohazard suit. The only time I've ever seen anyone wear an apron in lab is in high school. In college or in a professional lab they expect one to be slightly more careful. Also clothing like that can get in the way A LOT. And if it's concentrated then YES a safety shower IS required immediately. Not to mention if you do get it on your arms, then a sink isn't going to give you the same pressure that a safety shower would.

kmgentil 0

dont wrry, she was laughing because her penis is alot hairier

Nothing worse than having a gal laugh about shrinkage. You should walk in full bone and rip it out for her, dude. LOL. But, hey, my penis would be shrinking too if I just spilled acid on my skin.