By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 18:33 - United States

Today, I was handling corrosive chemicals when I accidentally spilled a beaker of Hydrochloric Acid on myself. I had to strip naked and use the emergency shower with my boss and my hot coworker watching. The worst part was when I realized my coworker was laughing at the size of my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 420
You deserved it 7 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, women just don't understand shrinkage.

RiverRelic 0

You have a pretty valid complaint to make to HR. Of course, you then have to keep reliving the humiliation but that was pretty unprofessional on her part. (You may also have misinterpretted her laughter. Was it from nervousness? Some people do that. )


blue892772 0

I just Hydrochloric acid in the lab all the time, and Ive not spilt it on myself because when handling acid I try to be careful. But other people in the lab have and they've never had to get naked. I call fake.

Shrinkage in cold water, and even if it weren't shrinkage I'd assume you were flacid and it's a known fact that the smaller the flacid penis the longer the penis will grow when hard (it works out so penis' grow to an average length) And tbph, she was probably really nervous. I do wonder why there wasn't any form of curtain or covering though...

Also, assuming you were working at a lab bench and wearing a lab coat, which would be required if you were working with chemicals anywhere near corrosive enough to cause this situation. It is HIGHLY unlikely that the HCl(aq) would have spilt far down enough to pass through your coat an jeans and to actually reach your boxers. so YDI for playing with 10M HCl(aq) on your crotch

FYL, but would you rather be physically harmed instead by corrosive acid?

beckyb 0

If you spill 10M HCl on your clothes, the smart thing to do is take them all off and get under the shower to eliminate the chance that any will burn through to your skin.

because you can just tell when girls are laughing because of the size of your dick? thats some super power

i wonder if anyone knows that hydrochloric acid is pretty much just lemon juice?

efmivida 0

Actually thats acedic acid, hydrochloric acid will actually burn you, you pompus fmylife commenter

honeyishrnkdakid 2

Yeah, why don't you go drink some then and let us know how that goes.

beckyb 0

yeah... hydrochloric acid is NOT the same as lemon juice... at all. Depending on the molarity of the solution, you can get seriously injured.

flyingpan8 0

okay, if some dude spills acid on his hand and then proceeds to have to get naked to wash the acid off - it's going to be a bit funny. especially if you are a girl and you see your co-workers dong - which let's face it - may not be earth shattering when flacid and scared. she wasn't laughing at his ****, and even if she was, stick it in her ass, i am sure she won't think it's "so small" anymore.

well see, you're an idiot. i spilled a little bit of hydrochloric acid on myself, in my GRADE 9 SCIENCE CLASS. and all i had to do was wash my hands a little bit. so yeaaah, you're stupid for stripping..