By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 18:33 - United States

Today, I was handling corrosive chemicals when I accidentally spilled a beaker of Hydrochloric Acid on myself. I had to strip naked and use the emergency shower with my boss and my hot coworker watching. The worst part was when I realized my coworker was laughing at the size of my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 420
You deserved it 7 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, women just don't understand shrinkage.

RiverRelic 0

You have a pretty valid complaint to make to HR. Of course, you then have to keep reliving the humiliation but that was pretty unprofessional on her part. (You may also have misinterpretted her laughter. Was it from nervousness? Some people do that. )


yourmomsaho217 0

wait...wuz ur hot co-worker a guy cuz i doubt a girl would first of all shower with her boss and second of all they rarely care about size

I'm pretty sure the worst part was when you spilled the acid on yourself.

sportsnut 0

I really hope the HCl was something like 0.1mM because that would have been HILARIOUS

How do you know she wasn't laughing out of nervousness about the situation?

nnnik 0

It sounds an awful lot like you think or I mean you know you have a tiny penis. How did you know that's what she was even laughing about?

ParadoxVT 0

I am the OP. I want to clarify a few things. First off, I WAS Wearing a lab coat and goggles. The lab coats in my lab aren't long, and actually don't cover much beyond the belt. Secondly, the molarity of the HCl was 12M. I was actually turning around to go get some MQ Water to dilute the HCl when the beaker spilled. Also, my lab's standard procedure when handling HCl above a certain molarity is to use the safety shower. The beaker was on my lab bench when it spilled, and it splashed onto my pelvic area and my hips. Also, to all those commentors who are calling it a fake, and saying I deserved it because I was playing with harmful chemicals near my crotch, you're sadly mistaken. The height of the lab bench is only slightly lower than the level that my groin was at. I managed to escape unscathed (except for my pride). Thanks for all your concerns!

I nearly the same thing happen to me except the HCl was knocked off a shelf above by an idiot and spilt down my neck to my waist. The best part was the naked shower infront of all my classmates. f*** our lifes.

Maybe you could use an Andropenis?