By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was hanging out at a friend's house. Her adorable 5 year-old sister came up, gave me a hug, and said, "You're fat. When are you going home?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 876
You deserved it 6 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha I love how innocent little kids are that they can always speak the truth without consequence. Jealous.

At least she hugged you. She could have walked up and kicked your shin, instead.


this is why I hate kids. little *****. hopefully that one will grow up to be morbidly obese. my little cousin used to always tell me I was fat, I lost 40 lbs and now he's a chubby little bastard. :) Karma

oogyboogy 6

Chill they don't realy know it's wrong if theyre parents saw they would probably say something like don't say that

wow, you don't see FMLs like this everyday!

lol @ #13 i kind of doubt that this one's true, but this happens so often, it's not really a big deal. if you actually let little kids' comments ruin your day, that's your problem.

little kids are like little alcoholics if one of them sats your fat its probably true

I find it interesting that in almost every FML about little kids being bitches, there's always an "adorable" in there somewhere.

LILJeveryday 0
babble 0

#9 -- how is that logical? Maybe the OP's a normal size but is sensitive about their weight because there's so much pressure to be super skinny, so being told that they were fat and asked to leave was just embarrassing and insulting. Posting this as an FML doesn't mean they're fat, and even so, how would the OP automatically deserve being told they were fat and should leave? Some people have medical problems that make it difficult to lose weight, so being asked "When are you going home?" after being told they're fat would be a humiliating thing.