By ExplosiveDildo - 22/06/2012 13:08 - Afghanistan

Today, I was having a funny conversation with a guy I had met on Xbox. I told him the state I lived in, and he said, "Don't tell me that, I might stalk you." He wasn't kidding. He has somehow found out my phone number, and my address. He says he's going to send me flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 548
You deserved it 37 020

ExplosiveDildo tells us more.

Holy shit. I didn't think this would actually get posted! Well, I'm happy after all of the FML's I've posted over the years, this one got chosen

Top comments

UnprecendentedAw 0

Someone obviously doesn't take online privacy settings very seriously. YDI


soldiat_fml 17

Well, that escalated quickly. I'm surprised he got all that information just from your state. A lot of people here name their city and country.

duma191 21

maybe he is trying to teach you a lesson. never give out personal information.

jweb1434 6
locky999 1

maybe because you used the same username.. really explosive..

I think you told him way more than just the state you live in...

Fyl, telling someone the general region you live in shouldn't be enough information for any normal person to do that to someone.