By ExplosiveDildo - 22/06/2012 13:08 - Afghanistan

Today, I was having a funny conversation with a guy I had met on Xbox. I told him the state I lived in, and he said, "Don't tell me that, I might stalk you." He wasn't kidding. He has somehow found out my phone number, and my address. He says he's going to send me flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 548
You deserved it 37 020

ExplosiveDildo tells us more.

Holy shit. I didn't think this would actually get posted! Well, I'm happy after all of the FML's I've posted over the years, this one got chosen

Top comments

UnprecendentedAw 0

Someone obviously doesn't take online privacy settings very seriously. YDI


marcus903 17

It's funny how people are YDI'ing this yet most submitted FMLs contain the state of the OP. Take this FML for example, this FML contains the OP's state. So I don't see why we should blame her for this. Secondly, how can telling someone your 'state' be dangerous? How did the person she was talking to know the OP's address JUST by giving him the state she lives in? The OP could've told him her full name in order for him to know the address. I continue to do the same thing and nobody happened to break into MY home or found my personal information. I even told people the town I lived in, nobody got my personal information. Even if my personal informaton was posted on white pages, people still wouldn't find me. My Xbox Live gamertag even has my full name on it, nobody broke into my house. Plus, there are some sites that ALLOW you to post your city AND state, nobody received your information. Again, the only way the OP could've been stalked is if she gave them their full name. I do the same thing via username, but that doesn't mean somebody is going to look me up on white pages and find my address. Take a look at facebook, many people use their full names as usernames and have their city, state, workplace, AND school name visible to the public. Do THEY ever get stalked or have their information released to online strangers? No. Do they ever go to their schools with guns in their hands killing students, teachers, and administrators trying to find the person they're stalking? No. Most of all, do they EVER had some drunk burglar break into their homes, steal your property, murder their family members, and/or most rarely, have a child snatched out their home? No. There's even pictures of child celebrities on the internet with their full names posted. Same goes for adults. They haven't gotten stalked nor did they risk any danger of anyone coming to their homes. You have to monitor every portion of information you put online. Just because you give out your state doesn't mean you're going to get stalked. Giving out the city you live in isn't recommended by most agencies, especially if your city information is posted on white pages. What you need to avoid giving out is your home address, phone number, zip code, password, social security number, credit card number, address of workplace, and location of your school because those are the ONLY way people are definetly going to stalk you. Please excuse the grammar/spelling mistakes. Thanks.

Thank you. I swear, some people are such idiots. The people who believe someone can stalk you just by knowing your state are probably the same people who think that leaving your Facebook logged on at a friend's house and having them deface it is being "hacked". The only way this could be true is if OP had a Facebook/Twitter account linked (I don't know if that's possible, don't use Xbox Live) or used the same username somewhere else where she posted more information, such as her name or one of the other things you mentioned. There is absolutely ZERO way that giving out a state can lead to you being tracked down. Also, the stalker is most likely not a hacker, just someone who can use Google. Learn the difference, people.

sporty1200xlr 6

Is his name "shifty" that's a crazy mother ****** on xboxlive

You live in Nebraska? I too might have to stalk you... Just kidding OP next time don't give out your personal information

And your dumbass still put the state on here ydi for being so stupid

Probably a friend playing a prank on you

caitiebug1119 15

Well I hope you don't give any personal information out from now on. Dudes like him are probably the overly desperate (possibly fat) nerds that spends all day on the computer, took his mom to prom, and will build a shrine of you if you don't call the cops. Seriously, call the cops. Don't throw out anything he sent you, that's evidence.

Tell him youre an overweight 40 year old dude passing for a young girl online