By Anonymous - 05/09/2015 02:22 - United States - Purchase

Today, I was having a relaxing "wank", as they might say on Doctor Who, when a large spider descended from its web and came practically eye-to-eye with me. I screamed like a bitch and fell off my bed, pants around my ankles. Then my sister ran in to see what was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 601
You deserved it 9 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, pretty sure masturbation's never been brought up in Doctor Who.


I'm not sure what doctor who you're watching ?

"Today, I was having a relaxing "wank", as they might say on Doctor Who". **** off.

Fetuskicker666 15

all these doctor who fans gettin butt hurt. ??

So many of these stupid situations could be avoided if people stopped being such little bitches about spiders.

lassielibby 9

ewwww. yanks trying to use British words. just staaaaaap

this sounds like a ****** up beginning to a porno

You can just say that you "scared your pants off"