By Very_Bad_Luck - 10/08/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, I was having a serious discussion with my girlfriend of 11 months. I broke the news that I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and I needed her support through my treatments. Ten minutes after, I receive a text saying that she can't endure the pain and stress that I'm causing her, and that we're done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 355
You deserved it 3 304

Very_Bad_Luck tells us more.

Very_Bad_Luck 0

Hi. I'm deciding to comment on my own FML to truly thank the people who wish me luck and keep me in their prayers. If you wish to learn more check out my profile. Thanks!!

Top comments

Wow, what a bitch. You should be happy she's gone.

Well, dude, I gotta be honest: If she wasn't willing/able to support you through this, she's not the one for you anyway. To be fair, it couldn't be easy for her, either (no, it's not 'all about her', but neither is it an easy thing to see someone through) and if you can't cope, you just can't cope. It sucks but it's how it goes. Really, though, the reality is that if you *really* love someone, there's pretty much nothing you won't support them through, and she just wasn't in it. FYL, mate. Best of luck, hope everything turns out well and that you have other people (who really love you) to support you through this shitty time.


Same thing happened to me. My boyfriend said he "Didn't want to catch cancer" and dumped me. I drove home in tears that night, and called my mom, only to have her tell me, "At least the chemo will make you skinny." FML. Hope you get in remission soon! Watch out for the cyclophosphamide and adrymiycin. They're a bit much to handle.

wow thats cold..and a jerk move. i'm sorry ):

reply to noracharles071: catch cancer? haha wow.. that's a mean thing for your mom to say ): that sounds like something my grandma would say :/ lol

That is horrible. I'm not sure what stage lymphoma you have but I had stage 2. It's a year later and I'm completely cured. I pray for the same for you. Good luck man

Grenades101 0

What a ****** *****, u don't deserve it man. Good luck with the treatments you'll pull through

Sentance 0

Hey if she's gonna leave you for that then she wasn't worth it.

wow so sorry for you I was tested for it luckily all it was, was cat scratch fever but it is a scary feeling just being test for something like that good luck with the treatments