By BARF - 27/04/2009 13:51 - United States

Today, I was having cybersex via webcam with my boyfriend. Trying to be as sexy as I could, I started sucking on my finger. Judging by the look on my boyfriend's face, he was getting really into it. As I started getting into it too, I shoved my finger too far down and puked all over my laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 546
You deserved it 130 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

YDI for not knowing your limits

lyndis_fml 0

You must give terrible blow jobs if you can't even stick a whole finger in your mouth without vomiting.


Vid or it didn't happen. Seriously though how did you manage that?

Demonchild 0


Demonchild 0

Hmmm.... I smell something, what is that number 71? O wait i no Bull-Shit

Crap, why the hell did it post twice? Sorry about that -_-

Eww. YDI, dumbass. So your boyfriend thinks it hot for you to stick your finger down your throat? You HAD to have been doing more than just sucking on it to puke. Dumbass.

long distance relationship...though truly a cybersex epic fail...

13 you fail. disgusting is not hard to spell. unless youre in third grade

blondebabycakes 0

That's disgusting! Hah but i can see that happening. Bad luck. :)

ishhappens 0

lol you poor thing.. had to have been awful!