By Brett meek - 19/02/2010 07:41 - Canada

Today, I was having sex with a girl. While we were fooling around, she started squeezing my cheeks and told me I remind her of her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 612
You deserved it 3 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments


imchanel 0

WTH? disturbing... why would she have sex with someone who looks/reminds her of her son

luvmuffin10 0

who the **** cares ur havin sex wit her just shove ur dick in her mouth when she starts to tlk

So how exactly do you say you were having sex with a "girl"?

This could have been taken way out of line. She could have meant that the OP had a soft butt like her baby son or atleast when he was a baby. Don't rationalize and make assumptions when there's many possibilities.

Haileyw15 0

Mmm incest... That's so.... Hot. Haha.

azn365 0

Wat a creeper...! I'd run away from her

varkey 7

she's a "girl" yet has a son?