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By OMGraven - 19/02/2010 08:24 - United States

Today, I returned home to find that my boyfriend's dog had gotten into the garbage and ripped all my used pads to shreds. There's a trail of Always tatters leading to his dog bed, and blood everywhere. My blood. Oh God. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 672
You deserved it 3 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shmoe 0

Oh, I didn't see the word 'dog'.

I've had this happen to me before. Damn dogs. -_-"


Yeah, I get it now. I just wasn't familiar with tampon brands and all that stuff so I did not really understand it.

I don't get the last comment/statement from the OP

kas782000 0

the brand name 'Always' was mentioned, smart one

to continue where my time ran out- And one should be able to deduce that because the FML started out talking about pads that had been ripped up, the "Always" in the last sentence (the stuff that was in tatters) is obviously another word for pads. It's easier if you notice that Always is capitalized and therefore has a different meaning than it normally does.

well pads blood = not a bloody notebook but a bitch with her week supply of bitchiness !!.use ur sketchbook n picture it out ..

NeonWar__ 0

always is a brand not another word for pads. to the op - holy crap, I'd actually die.

it's a brand... why would it be capitalised if it was another word for it? oh my god, the mental retardation is overwhelming sometimes. EDIT: or have i misunderstood what in hell you are on about?

brand names are capitalized. you wouldn't put always in the middle of a sentence with a capital.. i think you should check out your mental retardation level.

LOL finally a good FML! There may be hope!


This ^ I seriously almost gagged

ok so da dog ripped up her pads and they had BLOOD in them... doesntndat wanna make u puke?! ^^

personally, I was kind of turned on by this, especially since it was a dog chewing on her tampons, if you know what I mean...

Excuse me; I meant to say "dog chewing on her pads..." Needs more sleep

ladida94 0

you shouldnt have felt comfortable enough to share that with ANYBODY!! let alone tha internet! lolzx :-D

my dogs did that to mine one time. I close the bathroom door now...XD

boyguydudemalema 0

anyways . . . why don't you start cleaning it up so that u can make ur bf a sandwich and tell him that u need to kill his damn dog while he is eating the sandwich u made for him

garuru 4

put the dog down he's tasted blood he's dangerous

shes a girl......... USED items.......... and with blood on it whats not to get? cough period cough

natedog193 0

I do believe sir robin is taking the place as the new perdix. I never see perdix anymore lol

What I didn't get is why there would be blood everywhere unless OP was exaggerating for effect or meant the tatters were bloody. Sanitary napkins are not like sponges; you can't just wring them out. To get graphic, once the blood is in there, it usually congeals. They tend to have crystals or gels to aid this process - otherwise you'd soak yourself every time you sat down.

qutelilprincessx 0

honestly the night after I read this I came home to find my dog had done the samething and I don't know if they are mine or somebody that came to my house!! ewww!

jrtepechis 6

same here along with my sons diapers too

MeeshaMeeshaPup 8

Oh my god, my dog did the exact same thing. I now have to secure the trash can when it's that time of the month.

Ninjasaurus18 9

'Always' is a brand of pads. 'Pads' are used for a woman's menstrual cycle, which you'll learn about when you're about eleven, seeing as how you're probably a seven year old boy.

Shmoe 0

Oh, I didn't see the word 'dog'.

the dog ripped up her tampons and now theres period blood everywhere

Shmoe 0

Yeah. I thought her boyfriend did that.

caticaticati 3

Shmoe - Hahahahahahaha. That would make it SO much more disgusting and weird but somehow imagining it that way is so much funnier...

honestlove11 0

Its funny how boys don't know the difference between a pad and tampon.

Nevermind, can someone delete this comment? (I mean mine. This one.)

woRd. this is prob fake though like 99% are they are amusing though

JustStopSucking 0

She shouldn't have kept a ****** collection of the things

Pads can't be flushed down the toilet, girls who use pads rather than tampons normally wrap them up and put them in the bathroom trash bin. It doesn't sound fake either, I know people who it has happened to, dogs sniff out the blood and start gnawing, they're carnivores and have instinct. it's not rocket science.

050294 0

They were in the trash, dipshit

JD_88 0

haha to the above I was thinking that guys your useless: tampon goes up the hole and a pad sticks to your pants there completley differet things!!! Goodness me.....!

natedog193 0

118--she said they were in the trash dumbass. unless of course you define trash as a collection

op should have known better, all dogs unless VERY well trained will do that. Simply closing the bathroom door or picking up the trash cans would have worked. From what it sounds like its not her dog so she really should have sectioned him off anyway. OP YDI. Also at least she was the one to find them and not someone else, that would have been worse.

countryb_cth 38

@272 while I some what agree a lot of dogs don't go through the trash. My one dog doesn't go in the trash at all, yet my puppy used to until I trained her. It depends on the dog but once you teach them that it's not ok they stop. I do agree that she should have closed the door but she had no idea her boyfriends dog was going to eat the pads.

I've had this happen to me before. Damn dogs. -_-"

cantfightfate 0

haha me too. I have 4 of them. shit happens

happened to me too. Now every time I go out I make sure I close the bathroom door! Its disgusting having to pick up snot rags and tampons off the floor.

fretforyerlatte 0

had that happen to me too, when i still lived with my parents... only in my case there was no way of knowing if it was my blood, or my mom's or sister's. yeah, awesome. it was just my dad and i at home when we found it, he said it sure as hell wasn't HIS blood so he wasn't cleaning it up. good times.

This happened to me before. Nasty shit.

duckie227 22

it's only a FML if the OP lives with other room mates or anything.

it's definately an fml either way..even if it's ur own it's still disgusting. and then if that dog licked ur face afterwards. that'd jus really push me over the edge


Today, my boyfriends dog chewed all my bloody pads and then kicked me in the face. FML

The dog has had a taste of your blood! You are dead, it's gonna hunt you down :)