By Anonymous - 29/08/2010 07:27 - Canada

Today, I was having sex with a really hot guy, when suddenly he pulled out and told me that "he had another fat chick meeting him in twenty minutes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 962
You deserved it 15 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aw man I am SO sorry OP. He's just a cuntmonkey (lame ass insult but it probably fits him.) I hate how ppl are expected to all look slim. You probably aren't even fat at all. God, most ppl tell me I'm not fat, and my dad likes to keep calling me fat. He's just jking, or so he says, and he doesn't even realize how his "jking around" isn't even funny. It just makes me feel bad about myself. Even if you ARE a bit bigger than average, OP, I'm sure you're pretty. Skinny doens't automatically=attractive

YDI for having sex with someone outside of a good relationship.


ThankfullyNotYou 1

Why do overweight women do this to themselves? Do you not have a good judge of character? I'm not saying you asked for it but, where you met him says a lot. Usually hot guys are good at using women of all sizes. Lower your standards and go out with a nice guy instead of a five minute lay.

ANOTHER fat chick??? How ******* big are you honey???

it amazes me the level of asshole some of these guys are. come to the south! there's a few assholes here, but most would be decked by their mama's if they'd ever disrespect a lady like that.

ering17 7

I'm sorry op! his loss for not getting off lol

classicnathan 8

OMG, That is horrible, what did you do?!

I love how everyone is automatically assuming she barely knew him or he was a random stranger. Just because he was an asshole to her doesn't mean she didn't know him. I've certainly had a few encounters with guys I've known for years that as soon as sex entered into it I found out their true colours. Get the f*ck over it people the world isn't as cut and dry as you all seem to think, and by the way, if having sex makes her a ****, there are a shit ton of virgins out there or some of you have some serious issues with intimacy and sex you need to work through.

xxrebelsxx 13

Have the other girl join in haha