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By yggiz - 29/08/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, I learned to never shave your downstairs when you have the hiccups. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 957
You deserved it 32 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jrojas211 0

so did u reach for a bandaid or a pad?? :-p

Shookitup 0

why were you shaving downstairs?

If you really need to learn this please don't breed!

Shookitup 0

^^^ 18 that's the joke. I'm not an idiot, thanks. :)

SupxD 0

aha @13 maybe it's a very hairy person..! ha I saw this video in helth were this woman had hair al the way to her knees... Very Gross.!

lol. I had to read this twice before it made sense to me. that has to hurtt. fyl :(

Jonsey92 0

look like the cutiest looking scene chick ever!!

advent2060 4

haha so u mean tryin to use a razor blade to give ur self a **** star hair cut whilst hiccupping uncontrolably is a bad idea??? *sarcasticly* I'm so glad u told me, I woulda been totally clueless if u hadn't LMAO

mintcar 9

Bloody hell! Ouch indeed. But I mean, your hand shakes when you have the hiccups?

I shave my downstairs carpet until I reach the wood

TheyCallMeThumpe_fml 0
Griggy 0

damn... do you have a scar running across your happy place now?

In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion hiccups tonight.

mshoes12346 3

35- sry but ur pic scares me u look like a melester

skullbashd 3

I miss intoxicunt snickerdoodles allmidnighteyes perdix and redbluegreen

iTaylor 0

omg 41 your picture is staring into my soul

My only bathroom is downstairs. grow up and say around your ******, or you coulda just said shave your pubes

I'm dumb ]: everytime I read downstairs I thought it said Armpits... WTF?

duckie227 22

I'd never let you shave my downstairs...hiccups or no hiccups. shave your own

It's times like these that Justin Bieber is allowed to laugh in women's faces. He never has to shave his ******.

hahahahahah wow! some people are just clueless ;)

iamsam2 3

lmfao!!! ill bear tht in mind:)

FFML_314 11
mshoes12346 3

yes because that feels soooooo much better.... NOTTT!!!!

blo0_starZz 0

Actually, if you shave, the hair grows out faster, longer, darker, and thicker. Plus, you could get an ingrown hair 0.o"

StormUSA 0

that's when u tell ur bf to do it 4u!

mshoes12346 3

no thats when you remember not to shave while having hiccups.. commen sense people what happened...

#6 looks like a creepy Internet predator

^ yes I totally agree lol just thinking of that!

Well, hopefully now there’s no possible chance of you having children as stupid as yourself. (Although, I highly doubt it was to such an extreme.) ~*~PeachySweetS

Lizza330 28

109, As a person who lives in Florida, everything.

YDI for thinking any good could come from shaving when you have hiccups.