By . - 27/02/2012 00:02 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my husband. We thought the house was empty so we didn't mind being loud. Apparently, my grandma thought it would be fun to give us a surprise visit. All I found was a note on the counter from her and the spare key saying "Next time, I'll call." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 670
You deserved it 4 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

Well I guess grandma learned a valuable lesson. Never show up to your house again for a surprise visit.

DontClickOnMe 28

I wonder how long she stayed there for.


friedbunnies 9

Sounds like you're newlywed. Trust me, you will be glad this happened.

Well FYL. But to be honest it serves her right. She shouldn't show up without letting you know beforehand anyway, especially if you're married.

It will be a little awkward for you and grandma for a short while, but even grandma was a newlywed once. I don't see her giving you any flack over it. My own grandmother said to me, "you don't seem to realize, your grandfather and I were young once too. Where do you think your father and several uncles came from?" Unless your grandmother is a Quaker, I think she smirked while leaving the note. Don't sweat it.

emma_says 6

Quakers are some of the most open-minded and accepting people on this planet. Maybe you're thinking of Shakers?

I think what they were referring to was the original quakers that first came to America, which were very strict with their beliefs. Many of the quakers you know today are reformed and modern; however, what they could be referring to are the conservative ones which definitely have a problem with discussing sex even between husband and wife, because the only purpose in such strict interpretations of Christianity only allow for sexual acts when the goal is to have children not for pleasure.

I think 61 was referring to the Amish...those poor little people. It's okay to talk about them 'cause they don't use the internet! :D

People who think the Bible says sex should only be for reproduction need to read it a little more. There's a whole passage about how marriage should be used as a way to keep yourself from lusting by fulfilling those desires in a proper way, and also about how neither a husband or a wife should deny each other sexual fulfillment.

It's not like you did anything wrong OP, you should be able to get as loud as you want in your own house when you make love to your husband; especially when you know no one is there. Your grandmother however was in the wrong. This is why you call people at least 10 minutes prior to coming avoid situations like this. Then again depending on if you answer the phone or not during a love session, it wouldn't have mattered. So it all boils down to ringing the doorbell I guess.

What is she doing just coming in the house anyway? Spare key or not, you should be knocking before you go into someone's house.

Maybe she did knock but the sex was so loud that nobody heard it?

this is obviously fake, married people dont have sex :p

She should be happy. You were working on making her a great-grandmother.

My grandma had a conversation with me about ladyboys and put down durex in scrabble. But yeah that's unfortunate.

You do realize that she did the same thing or you wouldn't be here today, right???