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By labcho - 20/09/2018 21:00 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I was heading to Prague with a few friends for a vacation. On the plane ride, I started flirting with this cute flight attendant and we hit it off. I ran into my friend who is a flight attendant for the same company to tell him. He looked at me and said, "Don't freak out, but she has a dick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 913
You deserved it 612

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

Don't freak out. There's more to her than her genitals.

nubs 22

So will you see her again? 👀


I'm thinking your friend lied to you to freak you out cause he's interested in her and did that so you would back off. If he was telling the truth he's an jerk for outing her like that. Either way I wouldn't call him a friend if he does that.

Or he was lying cause they're friends and friends enjoy ******* with each other.

Your definition of a friend is wrong. A friend is here to support you and shares good times with you, not trying to make fun of you. The world would be better a better place without that non sense of friends being jerks to each other.

StagGT 13

How about you consider the fact that there is no preset definition of friends, and some of us support each other in everything while still being jerks to each other in jest. Just cause you might walk on eggshells around your friends doesn't mean the rest of us have to

Don’t see the problem of fml here. You meet a girl you like, sounds like a win to me.

IKR? A lot of people out there would kill to meet someone they click with. This should be a good thing not an fml. I guess OP wouldn't have posted if they didn't find trans people unacceptable. OP, when an Always Sunny character has more class and less neurosis than you (it was in the first season, one of the gang, I wanna say Charlie, dated a trans chick, only broke up because he accidentally hit her when startled), it's time to do some personal growth.

why didn't you talk to your friend first? and how does your friend know

gavanator127 8

That’s very rude of your friend, not only do you not out someone, but their genitalia is their business and no one else’s.

Everyone's assuming she's trans - does nobody else think the friend is just messing with the op? Cockblocking, if you will?

moonmoon 5