By Anonymous - 27/08/2011 07:21 - United States

Today, I was hosting a pool party, when my husband and his friends got the bright idea of lighting one of the party balloons on fire. Needless to say, it immediately exploded. In shock, he jumped back straight into me, sending me and my $400 cell phone splashing into the pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 476
You deserved it 6 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emilieee_fml 0

Thats a smart man right there!!


well your kinda dumb too to just stay behind them and watch like a retard seriously come if somebody has a bad idea you step away dont stay close to him

All you people going on about the iPhone only being 200 bucks you do realise that that is the price you pay upfront and by the time your plan is over you have paid over a thousand dollars all up.

Yeah, but if you're only replacing the phone, the phone itself still only cost $200. If you need a replacement phone, you're only paying for the phone. No need to change your plan. so either the OP sucks at math, is lying, or bought their phone at a ridiculously overpriced rate.

astarazhna 1

It's more fun when the balloons are filled with hydrogen.

painkiller3666 4

Botch every cell phone now a days costs $400, you're not special

You deserved it. Who needs a 400 dollar phone

You forgot to add "...that my parents bought me for my 16th birthday."