By locker - 16/09/2010 20:06 - United States

Today, I was in a hurry trying to get into my locker, but it stuck. After a few frustrating attempts, I finally managed to get it open. In anger, I threw the door open, but it bounced back and hit me in the head. My natural reflex was to jerk forward, giving myself a black eye from the hook inside. I got in a fight with my locker and lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 653
You deserved it 13 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

b_anhero 0

look on the bright side: your natural reflex is to charge, head first, into danger.

bahahaha. I always had that problem in high school.


denvan 0

oh that's funny human vs locker who will win

mattiecyberbee 0

So when something hits you in the head, your reflex is to... jerk your head TOWARDS the object that just hit you? Someone hand OP a Darwin Award, please!

hcovballer247 0

Good job. You put a new meaning to epic fail : )

partygirl14 0

I just made it so my locker opens by pulling the lock :p so... fyl

Well that isn't embarrassing at all.

I'm glad I put my money on the locker instead of you