By embarrassed4life - 25/06/2009 04:34 - United States
Top comments
I hate when people talk on the phone or just talk to each other while using the bathroom! It's so disgusting. At least you're a nice person who didn't want to be rude to her. She's crazy and gross and whoever she was talking to who would LISTEN to her from the stall is just as bad.
i agree with #51
Wow I've read this in a magazine and on This is so fake and even if it wasn't, it shouldn't have been published. Some of mine are really good, too. Like I submitted this one which I was sure would make it: "Today, I dropped my cell phone as I was getting in my car. When I picked it up it was completely smashed on the ground. I took it to the store to get a new one. I had to show it to the salesman to prove it was ruined. And the first question the salesman asked was "Did you sit on it?". FML
Well WTF kind of phone would completely smash from the impact of being dropped? & Now you've posted this, they'll reckon most of yours are fake. Ruhtard.
It wasn't smashed from impact. Maybe I should've made it more clear? I ran over it with my car.
Sorry, folks, I know this is a story that has been going around for a while, but it actually happened to me in the summer of 2001. However, the girl in the stall kept saying "Hello? Hello? Who's there?" and I kept saying "Hi, it's me" because she seemed to want to find out who was in the bathroom with her. Once I realized that she was talking on a cell phone and not to me, I washed my hands and left, a little weirded out by the thought of someone holding a conversation on a cell phone while on the john and embarrassed by my insistent replies of "It's me!".
why was she talking on the phone while she was on the toilet.. what a weirdo
talking in the bathroom is bad enough, but on the phone while going is just retarded.
Hmmmm, I've heard this somewhere before........Oh yeah, someone told me this awful joke, what do you know? This is it....exactly. If you want to post a FML, make it at least semi original.
This happened to me before. The girl was like "OMG (not "Oh my God! it was OMG)some girl thinks I'm talking to HER!" (in a bitchy, self-righteous tone) so I replied "Hey, I gotta go. This girl is in the other stall and she thinks that I'm talking to her. She's on the phone and thought I was answering her. I gotta get out of here, though. She is stinking up the bathroom really bad." (She was taking a decently loud poop while on the phone - EW) (I wasn't on my phone, just pretending to be) So I washed my hands really quick and got the hell out of there.
oh, man. that sucks. i would feel so awkward after wards!! so how embarrassed were you afterwards??