By embarrassed4life - 25/06/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I was in a public restroom when the girl in the stall next to me started asking me how I was doing. Thinking it was weird but not wanting to be rude, I answered her questions. Halfway though our conversation she said: "Hold on, the girl in the stall next to me thinks I'm talking to her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 425
You deserved it 88

Top comments

This happened to me before. The girl was like "OMG (not "Oh my God! it was OMG)some girl thinks I'm talking to HER!" (in a bitchy, self-righteous tone) so I replied "Hey, I gotta go. This girl is in the other stall and she thinks that I'm talking to her. She's on the phone and thought I was answering her. I gotta get out of here, though. She is stinking up the bathroom really bad." (She was taking a decently loud poop while on the phone - EW) (I wasn't on my phone, just pretending to be) So I washed my hands really quick and got the hell out of there.

hehe333 0

oh, man. that sucks. i would feel so awkward after wards!! so how embarrassed were you afterwards??


sbarre1 0

Ugh. This has happened to me. Not that I thought they were talking to me, but people talking on their phone in the bathroom. Wtf?! No one wants to hear you peeing. And TheAmazing, that was really ******* difficult to read. I hope you don't write your papers for classes like that. >.>

LeedsFML 0

Sickipedia....... having its jokes ripped off since 1998..... pathetic....

HeyThereGorgeous 0

Whatever ... Eff the person on the phones life, now they know there talking to someone whose on the toilet.

shnibz101 0

FYL that girl is an idiot, talking on the shitter yea she is smart!

Now this is why you do not take your phone to the restroom Although it's a world old joke...

Didn't this same FML get posted like a week or two ago but with a guy instead?

This is also the same reason people shouldn't have bluetooths. All the time, I get in fake conversations that ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE with people on a bluetooth. It usually takes about 30 seconds for me to realize they aren't talking to me, because they couldn't take the one second to say "phone call".

Who cares if it was unoriginal. The execution of the joke was well done and it got me giggling for a minute.

lawdylawdylawdy 0

I've never heard that joke before and I like to think it's true... Funniest story I've ever heard!!! Why would you speak on your phone in the toilet though?

hockey_chick 0

It's quite funny yes, but it would have been even funnier to say "Who the hell talks on the phone while they're taking a shit?!" It's a bit nasty to do that reguardless.