By Anonymoose - 19/08/2016 20:06

Today, I was in a public toilet. I looked down and realised someone in the stall next to me was peeing on my foot underneath the divider. They didn't even attempt to aim for the toilet bowl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 718
You deserved it 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They were obviously marking their territory. You now belong to them.

I've seen people film stuff like that just to prank people and put it on YouTube.


aznboi415 13

I've seen people film stuff like that just to prank people and put it on YouTube.

They were obviously marking their territory. You now belong to them.

Pee back? Fling poop? Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Or the ultimate evil, don't let them borrow your TP.

If you have enough pressure I say pee over the top of the divider in retaliation.

umm...#7 of HE was being peed on I am assuming there was no pooping involved seeing as most people sit down to poop...common logic ;-)

24 - Common courtesy (which is probably not very common here) would dictate that you clean up after yourself in a public restroom.

What do people get out of this kind of stuff? I understand "having fun" but this kind of stuff is just plain stupid. I hope you weren't wearing expensive shoes. FYL for sure.

I've seen a prank like that and a lot of the time people use water in a bottle to do it, it might not even have been pee

I'd have totally been waiting for that person outside the stall...