By Youknowwho - 18/01/2009 02:55 - Australia

Today, I was in a toilet cubicle, when I overheard two of my friends at the sink talking about how ugly and skinny I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 324
You deserved it 2 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I recommend not telling them outright that you overheard them, but subtly suggesting it if you get a chance. Be the bigger person, but comment that you're worried about your image, and use their own words as examples of things you're worried about. Also, make sure to comment how glad you are that you can trust them to be upfront and honest, and not talk about you behind your back. I was in the bathroom in my dorm room once when my roommate came back with her friends. She started talking about me just as I was finishing, so I washed up and walked out, smiling and greeting her as if I hadn't heard her, even though I obviously had. The look on her face was priceless - the entire group quickly moved to someone else's room.


at least your skinny makeup can do the rest

Jealous friends suck!! At least you know how they feel about you, now move on to new skinny, pretty friends like yourself.

lizzilla8297 2

at least they aren't talking about how ugly and fat you are. don't be ashamed for being skinny.

they only comment on your weight bc they can't lower theirs. keep your chin up. piss in orange juice and give them some.

NekoHakase 0

They're just jealous. I think you should find some better, skinnier friends.

Jealous, jealous, jealous. That's all it is

ThePhantress 0

This is how I know people are stupid and fickle. People hate you when you're overweight, and apparently, they think you're ugly if you're skinny. This is why I try not to judge people on weight, because it really doesn't matter. Other people suck.

anon2468 0

I would have bursted out of the stall and just glared at them. That really sucks though. They're probably just jealous of you.

crazyrunnergirl 7

well, they must be fat if they are talking about you in a ****** BATHROOM!