By Youknowwho - 18/01/2009 02:55 - Australia

Today, I was in a toilet cubicle, when I overheard two of my friends at the sink talking about how ugly and skinny I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 324
You deserved it 2 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I recommend not telling them outright that you overheard them, but subtly suggesting it if you get a chance. Be the bigger person, but comment that you're worried about your image, and use their own words as examples of things you're worried about. Also, make sure to comment how glad you are that you can trust them to be upfront and honest, and not talk about you behind your back. I was in the bathroom in my dorm room once when my roommate came back with her friends. She started talking about me just as I was finishing, so I washed up and walked out, smiling and greeting her as if I hadn't heard her, even though I obviously had. The look on her face was priceless - the entire group quickly moved to someone else's room.


skullofdarkness 18

Girls can't be too too skinny, guys can- now when you look like a walking skeleton, that is a pronlem

Girls can obviously be too skinny. I think the US size 0, 2 and 4 are ugly skinny.

Uhhh that's pretty mean. I'm a size 0 and HEALTHY. I even have love handles ffs. You're just like those judgy girls in the bathroom

iBiteRoses 22

Okay obviously, they're only making fun of you being "skinny and ugly" because they're insecure and you're thinner and prettier than them, and they jelly as ****.

Ninjasaurus18 9

At least you aren't a fatass like they probably are.

Karsin 5

One tip...three words::Get. Better. Friends. Sorry if it seems disrespectful, but it's the truth. It would be completely different if they said that kind of stuff to your face but behind the back is just downright cheap.

zfchatroulette 24

Obviously they're just mad because they wish their ribs stuck out enough that guys would find them attractive too. That's why I don't hangout with skinny girls, they make me look even worse than I already do, and no one ever wants me.

LoneBooker88 16

they are jealous and i bet THEY are the ones that are ugly. and if ur gonna be friends with people who say that sorta thing behind your back, then you'd pretty get a new gang

sugarbear0727 19

Better than fat and ugly. I'm sorry you have some shitty friends. :/

Toilet cubicle? Do you mean bathroom stall? Or do you work in cubicles and your profession is toilets?