By splooge - 28/01/2009 15:12 - United States

Today, I was in bed next to the boy I loved, he had just came and passed out immediately afterwards. I reached over to look at my phone but grabbed his instead and saw a text message from his ex-girlfriend that read "I love you too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 446
You deserved it 4 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bow_less 0

try being the ex thats still in love with him and knowing he is a douche bag. you should break up with him because thats probably why the ex broke it off with him to begin with.

Step 1: Put that camera phone to good use! Take pictures of him, especially non-flattering ones and send them to family and friends. DO NOT TAKE PICTURES OF HIM WITH YOU. Step 2: Leave. Possibly post craigslist ad with his number and various proclivities listed.


I tell my ex-gf i love her. Shes still a friend. And she knows that when I say it I only mean as a friend. Don't assume the worst?

you should text her back saying that he don't love her and to leave him alone... then kick him out and take his clothes and tell him to never come back... =).

i'm sorry. that must suck dump him. he's not worth it

tdawgheath 0

wow, an old message from his ex. cuz I'm sure your ex never told you he loved you...

kay_jay 5

it wasn't an old message. it was right before he went to bed

dani_fizzle 0

well did he at least give you an ******? oh yeah and uhh maybe it's friend love?

that sucks. my ex used to talk to his ex girlfriends like that. i remember i used to find text messages from other girls saying i love you too. he used to say "oh i don't mean it the way i mean it to you" which i believed and still believe but it doesn't make it acceptable 'cus texting is so impersonal to begin with. anyway hope things work out for you whether you dumped him or not

deannababy 0

wow. what an ass. i'd dump his ass. seriously.

deannababy 0

wow. what an ass. i'd dump his ass. seriously.

RockingRyan12 0

#18-Naked usually implies they have no clothes on.

She could have given him his clothes back but not given him time to put them on though? So he'd be naked, with his clothes. This way, she kicks him out and doesn't let him take them? Could be what they meant.