By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 21:25 - Canada

Today, I was in class and really needed to pee. My teacher has chosen to replace our hall pass with a copy of War and Peace. She picks out a page for us to memorise on the shitter, and repeat by heart later. If we can't remember, we get locked out of class, and then get detention for being absent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 725
You deserved it 3 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azcardinals1307 2


2ndSucks 15

Skip class for awhile and say you were reading. You get a break and a shit, problem solved.

im almost positive thats mental abuse...yeah it is!

Your an idiot, that's mental abuse ! Lol

yourlifesfucked 0
MidnightBlossom 2
dcg1375 7

What happens if you just have to pee? Can you just memorize a line?

lonley_one 0

I had a teacher like that.... I reported her.... I have short term memory loss and english was not my thing... Only differance was she failed us for the day and put us in time out.... It was 2nd grade!

cudi504 4

Not to be rude... But i always wondered how people with short term memory loss makes it through school

We don't easily... I have it too... It sucks they make you feel like stupid morons

Would you still remember who raped you if you have short term memory loss?

savagearmz 6
BellaBelle_fml 23