By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 21:25 - Canada

Today, I was in class and really needed to pee. My teacher has chosen to replace our hall pass with a copy of War and Peace. She picks out a page for us to memorise on the shitter, and repeat by heart later. If we can't remember, we get locked out of class, and then get detention for being absent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 725
You deserved it 3 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azcardinals1307 2


That's just great. Nice of your teacher to penalize you for having to use the restroom. You need to file a complaint, get your parents involved too. This is unacceptable on so many levels...

It's the stupid kids fault who "go to the bathroom" and just skip class, blame them not the teacher.

perdix 29

Is there a simple answer to this problem? Depends. Either get eidetic memory, or be prepared to piss yourself in class.

MsMeiriona 2

Aww, and here I thought the simple answer WAS Depends.

suckstoobeyou 0

There is one more answer to that problem, shit in another class or before you head to that class......

iPancakes 4

Where the hell do you live??? Russia?

It quite clearly says "Canada" at the bottom.

American trying to hate on russia? In america debts slaughters you! Yea ****** **** the american dream... Its just a dream ad it says wake up already

The only thing I read on the shitter is FML's.

She can't do that. Complain, or get your parents to complain.

No, she can't. Using the bathroom is a basic necessity, so believe it or not, in Canada at least, they can't deny or put ridiculous restrictions on using the bathroom. Locking the students out even though they're there is also illegal. Education is a right, if you're present and trying to attend, the teacher can't lock you out and deny your learning. Unless the student has done something that warrants being sent to the principal, suspended, or expelled, and the unfinished, ridiculous school work that this teacher assigned doesn't warrant any of those.

erpaderp 17

Very creative teacher, but harsh way of teaching.

Detention is not so bad. Form your own "Breakfast Club"..... Don't you forget about me.(:

If I were you, I'd hide the page somewhere on the way to the bathroom. Then when I came back, I'd say that I don't have the page because there was no more toilet paper.

She doesn't rip up the book. Lmao. Gives them a copy and selects a page.

I know. Who says we can't still do that? That's so the teacher can't check, so OP can use the restroom without having to memorize that shit.