By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 21:25 - Canada

Today, I was in class and really needed to pee. My teacher has chosen to replace our hall pass with a copy of War and Peace. She picks out a page for us to memorise on the shitter, and repeat by heart later. If we can't remember, we get locked out of class, and then get detention for being absent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 725
You deserved it 3 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azcardinals1307 2


Tolstoy is a good author. War and Peace was really ******* boring, though.

keshaforever1 14

What! The! ****!? Can a teacher legally do that? That's literally mental abuse. REPORT HER TO THE PRINCIPAL!!!

Your an idiot, that's mental abuse lol :P it's not the teachers fault, blame the stupid kids who abuse "going to the bathroom" and just skip class, to get high or some stupid shut

ClingyOtter 4

So she should punish everyone who needs to go to the bathroom? Obviously not every kid does that.

Also here's a good one, just say you were memorizing when suddenly the book fell in the toilet and you decided it was just better off not grabbing it from the toilet.

What if you just had to pee? You wouldn't have enough time to memorize it. This seems fake to me. Or your teacher is a dumb ass. Either or.

BellaBelle_fml 23

Agreed. OP should take their's back to the store they bought it from and demand they exchange it for a bladder that actually fits! Stupid stores, selling people bladders before they make sure its the right size. Shameful I say! Shameful...

Exactly! Someone who understands! If no one can tell, this comment was a joke.

I don't believe this story for a second.

thescyphozoa 6

My Drama teacher made us carry giant cardboard cutouts of Edward (for girls) and Bella (for boys).