By Anonymous - 26/09/2010 11:29 - Turkey

Today, I was in my hotel room. I picked up an expensive wine from the mini fridge, just to see what it is. I heard a mechanical "bling". I was charged for it. Then, I tried to put it back, only to hear another "bling". I was charged twice for expensive wine that I won't even drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 724
You deserved it 10 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iluvchanman 0

can't u just explain the problem to a manager? if not, that sucks!

ikickyourdog 0

maybe the 2nd bling was it uncharging you


SoldieroftheLORD 0

ouch wow lol talk to the ppl about it

Simple - go down to reception, tell them what you did, and get them to correct it on your bill. Guaranteed it happens all the time, and there'll be a way to fix it. Life's not so complicated, is it?

This is what I thought. I mean, the OP can just take the unopened bottle with her as evidence she was only looking and hasn't drunk it. Or ask them up to look in the mini fridge.

Precisely Cinn. I've spent a lot of time in hotels, and there are a thousand ways that guests make mistakes, most of which can be cleared up easily. The last thing a hotel wants is to be seen as unreasonable to their guests (usually). I've only come across the automatic charging system a few times, but I'd bet every single night, at least one guest will make this same mistake. The staff will know how to handle it.

Not to mention, even if they don't do anything about it, it's worth a try. But like you said, they won't want to seem unreasonable, as they'll want their guests to reccomend them.

stinkmeaner 3

LMAO That should teach you dumbass!

redrovaa 0

'Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful.' dumbass!

redrovaa 0

How the hell did my comment get up there..

...that's ridiculous. What a stupid system.

Ouch... I'm sure you can sell it for 3x price at auction. Good Luck!!!

wwerulez14 6

Good point... Definitely should have taken it with you if they refused to take away the charges. And if you can't sell it, then keep it for a special occasion so you can look fancy :)

NightGod 0

I've never heard of a hotel that wouldn't refund the money to your bill with a quick call down to the front desk and them verifying that the bottle is still there. You can also ask them to take the mini-bar out of the room or at least lock it so the same thing can't happen again.

Why should the hotel remove it just because a guest can't refrain from touching things? It would be harder for the hotel to remove it then its worth. If they remove it for the OP, then they have to put it back when he checks out. Why go through that trouble when it is so much easier for the OP (or anyone else) to just not touch it?

Try making a toddler or small child understand that they should stay away from the minibar...looking away for one second they most likely will have taken 10 things out already...

The automatic charging thing will just be a motion sensor, I doubt they bothered to program it to recognise which way the motion was going (if they can even do that). The cynical part of me also believes that they probably don't care greatly about it because it means more money for them, especially if people don't bother pointing out that they'd made a mistake about it.

mona_is_here 10
sourgirl101 28

What are you complaining about? That pun was funny!

banananut 0
banananut 0

You're very cute! :) Sorry had to say..

swimbre93 3

There are usually always signs in hotels on top of the mini fridge that tell you if you touch the stuff in the mini fridge, you will be charged. Maybe you should be more aware of the signs. Just go to reception and fix the problem. But be a little more careful next time.

and he does have to pay for it. he shouldn't have picked it up if he didn't want it.