By Anonymous - 18/06/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, I was installing the official 3.0 firmware update for my iPhone. Apple's authentication servers crashed. I now own an iBrick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 160
You deserved it 9 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your iphone into DFU mode, then boot it with 1clickboot.

Aww... I'm sure they can do something about that though.


primogen18 0

YDI for having an iphone, over rated over priced. still kinda sucks though.

Don_fml 0

That's what you get for drinking the iKool-Aid.

SeeAlsoJaime 0

The new iPhone comes out Friday, anyways. Your iPhone is about to be dead technology. Just get a new one. :P

Too bad you're an idiot and that's not how the installation process works. 1. It downloads the software FIRST. 2. It extracts it to upload it to the iPhone. 3. The iPhone resets and uploads the information FROM THE COMPUTER. Not the server. What a TOOL.

How the **** did this FML get accepted??? You're a dumbass who doesn't know how to use DFU mode or even recover. There's no such thing as a bricked iPhone, unless the hardware has been physically damaged. Stop being an idiot and fix it. YDI.

Maybe he's planning on selling his iPod touch after he gets his iPhone. That's what I almost did, but I ended up getting the 2G iPod touch.

I bet you're the kind of person who gets a boner whenever Steve Jobs makes an appearance. I bet you've never used Vista. It's not the best OS in the world but it's great as long as you're not a total dumbass. Why someone would pay $1000+ for entry level hardware specs I will never know.

It's terribly tacky to assume that a person dislikes a Mac because they're "too poor to afford one." It makes you sound like a complete fool seeing as there can be many reasons why a person dislikes an Apple product. I've always been a fan of Windows and I still am. Yes, it has its flaws, as does a Mac. I have a PC desktop and a MacBook and I love them both. I think when you own a PC you learn so much about computers, more than you might learn when you start off owning a Mac because Macs are incredibly simple and let me just say, some people like a challenge. I'm glad I own a PC desktop because it has different features. I never thought I'd buy a MacBook but since I'm starting college I decided I needed something simple with fun programs and that's what a MacBook is to me. Some people don't want to spend $1,200 and more for a laptop. So assuming that people hates Macs because they're poor makes you look ignorant.

rolltiderolll 0

Pretentious. Actually, I'm pretty stoked that I'm about to get a $600 PC laptop that will do things that Mac can never do... Like e-mail my professor a document.

Don_fml 0

Jealous? Hardly. The iPhone does nothing other multi-media phones didn't do years in advance of it. It's an overpriced POS, and the tools that buy it have bought into undeserved hype. Apple has become "hip" and therefore it sells. It wouldn't sell on it's own merits at the prices Assle has the nerve to sell them at.

fireandice92 0

iPhone, blackberry. Don't forget the amazing sidekick!

Colby_Colbert 0

sync w/Itunes & restore ur phone. you'll be good2go