By Anonymous - 18/06/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, I was installing the official 3.0 firmware update for my iPhone. Apple's authentication servers crashed. I now own an iBrick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 160
You deserved it 9 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your iphone into DFU mode, then boot it with 1clickboot.

Aww... I'm sure they can do something about that though.


I was just gonna update mine. I guess I'm gonna wait a few days now..

LadyMcdoom 1

Sucks to be you. Mine updated flawlessly. But I'm sure it will be rectified.

Just try again, no big deal. Happens to most people.

I'd like to see your blackberry sing dance & cure cancer! ;) apple will fix u up. I got mine last nite. Sent from my iPhone.

STFU! So damn harsh, some people deserve some phones. He can't help it.

aren't u supposed to make sure people aren't dead? not playing w/ ur phone anyway?

Actually to buy the iPhone sans contract you need about $700.

I upgraded my wife's iPhone and mine yesterday evening, no problem. If you are not fixed up by now, you are an idiot. This is not an FML. At worst, it's a F*** My Day (an FMD).

BS COMPARED TO MY FMYLIFE YESTERDAY W/ SAME PROBLEM the server did crash yesterday as I was updating mine, and all I could do was dial 911 and check the time...Im a lifeguard and had to go to work for 6 hours in "not enough shitty weather to cancel work but shitty enough for nobody to come in" all i could do was check the time, damnt i was going to write this FML...and it was fixed after about an hour (the servers, i called apple) I on the otherhand had to wait 6 hours while i was at work with basically a goddamn stopwatch to keep me entertained the whole time

CJ090 0

*knocks heard* shuda just had a BlackBerry

AmyBeth 0

Yeah that happened last year too the iPhones crashed cause so many people are getting the updates, but it did eventually come back. If yours doesn't work yuore lucky you can get the new iPhone!