By Anonymous - 18/06/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, I was installing the official 3.0 firmware update for my iPhone. Apple's authentication servers crashed. I now own an iBrick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 160
You deserved it 9 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your iphone into DFU mode, then boot it with 1clickboot.

Aww... I'm sure they can do something about that though.


You deserve it for buying an Apple product.

Jeez, hate it when People hate others for having an iPhone. Theyre useful. Fyl, dude.

U probably have a jaolbroken iPod. For a second, I thought it said iDick!

YDI for updating your firmware when EVERYBODY else is doing it. Seriously people. Give it some time, won't you?

Somehow I doubt you own an iPhone. Good luck with the blackberry, lack of applications, and missing e-mail... I have had 5 of them and think they are crap, i like my iPhone just fine.

It's really easy to unbrick. Just put it into dfu mode and jailbreak it, then unjailbreak. Worked for me.

thenotoriousmpgs 0

yeah they can definitely do something about that. that almost happened to me, i was trying to update it and i got an error message but i just tried a little later and it worked out fine

halolord01 2

How much are I bricks these days aneyhow?

take it to the apple store, they'll probably fix it.