By lip - 24/12/2008 08:40 - France

Today, I was jerking off in the train washroom when the ticket inspector knocked at the door. I was nearly done so I didn't open right away. I didn't think he would have the key…I found myself face to face with him and three other passengers. The worst being I didn't have a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 448
You deserved it 75 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

"I get off by jerking off in public bathrooms, FML."

Why would you jack off on a train you ******* weirdo?? That's disgusting, blue balls or not.


Who the **** jacks off on public transportYDI

littlebluepill 1

I would say F the lives of the ticket inspector and the people waiting in line to go after you - not only did they have to witness that, they have to use the bathroom after you. Surely you can't be that desperate that you can't wait till you get home? Erk.

And, you couldn't wait till you got home why?

This is well and truly a new level of low... ******* hell man have some self control!!

YDI for getting on a train without a ticket . Seriously OP?

OzzmosizDoge 6

Why the **** would you jack off in a train bathroom???

Today, I was on the train, and I really had to go. It was locked and no one came out for 5min, so I asked for someone to open the door. As he opened it, we found someone wanking. FML

Today, I had heard odd noises from the train's restroom that I was conducting. It turns out some sicko was jerking off inside! Me and several other passengers had caught eye contact and he didn't even have a ticket...