By lip - 24/12/2008 08:40 - France

Today, I was jerking off in the train washroom when the ticket inspector knocked at the door. I was nearly done so I didn't open right away. I didn't think he would have the key…I found myself face to face with him and three other passengers. The worst being I didn't have a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 448
You deserved it 75 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

"I get off by jerking off in public bathrooms, FML."

Why would you jack off on a train you ******* weirdo?? That's disgusting, blue balls or not.


Michellesaid 0

hahaha WHYTHANKYOU. :] hope this gets first lollll

why the **** were you wacking off in a public bathroom.

Why would he open the door? Did he want to help or something? xDD

enormouselephant 15

Maybe he had been in there so long everyone thought it was just locked, and people needed the bathroom?

Why would you jack off on a train you ******* weirdo?? That's disgusting, blue balls or not.

I voted you ttly deserved it. Cause I mean, jerking of on a train? You were just asking for it. You walked right into that one, dood. XD

YDI, you couldn't wait until you found a more private bathroom? Gross.