By vegas518 - 01/05/2013 23:13 - United States - Fayetteville

Today, I was lectured by my mother for staying out until 2 am because I went to a gig last night. I was told I was irresponsible and made to feel ashamed. Not only do I live on my own and pay my bills, but I'm almost 30. This is a regular occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 283
You deserved it 4 462

vegas518 tells us more.

vegas518 7

First of all, I'm a woman... Not a man. So I'm most definitely not a mama's boy. My mom lives near by and she's older. I am the youngest as well. It's easier to say "stand up to her" or "grow some balls" - I've tried that and trust me... It's not worth the fight that happens afterward. Thanks for listening though.

Top comments

KareBear7364 5

sigh, parenting... it never ends.

Tell your Mother off. Parents, like children, need boundaries. You are an adult for the love of God!


Just tell her as long as I live under my own roof I make the rules

NotGabe 28

-sigh- Helicopter Parents. I feel your pain.

Well just hang up on her, or just walk away. You're an adult too!

Somebody feels neglected. She wanted to go to the gig with you.

kriz_allizwell 6

She only does that coz shes worried about you. In this world of parents neglecting their children, is it not a good thing that your momma actually gives a ****. So, you deserve a mother's affection and care - ydi

Telling a child (granted, this doesn't usually happen at 30) he should be ashamed on a regular basis can be just as damaging and is just as bad as any other thing.

At 30 years old? That's the dumbest thing I've heard!

How did she even know that you were out that late ?

01Ben21 10

Time to tell mom you're not a baby.