By vegas518 - 01/05/2013 23:13 - United States - Fayetteville
vegas518 tells us more.
First of all, I'm a woman... Not a man. So I'm most definitely not a mama's boy. My mom lives near by and she's older. I am the youngest as well. It's easier to say "stand up to her" or "grow some balls" - I've tried that and trust me... It's not worth the fight that happens afterward. Thanks for listening though.
Top comments
At this age, YDI. For ***** sake, just ignore her and walk away if she starts going off on one. She'll get the message eventually.
There are other ways of telling your parents that your a grown up with out being disrespectful.....I'm just saying
I'm assuming OP has already tried to talk to her about it but crazy people don't always respond to talking even if it is only love and protection that they're crazy on. In any case, shouting, insulting and swearing is disrespectful. Calmly walking away and not rising to the crazy is actually a pretty adult response in this situation, I'd say. And even then I bet some people would have trouble biting their tongue.
Adult or not, she's still your mother and she worries. Can't stop that! ^_^
Stand up to your parents, unless you want it to keep happening
How would she know if you are out late if you live on your own?... That's kinda creepy OP.
Just say "ok Mom" and give her a hug. Moms never grow up.
Man up and tell her that is an inappropriate way to speak to a grown man. If you don't command respect don't expect to receive any.
If you actually felt ashamed for this then I say you deserve it. Grow up and set some boundaries for your mother.
sigh, parenting... it never ends.
Tell your Mother off. Parents, like children, need boundaries. You are an adult for the love of God!