By vegas518 - 01/05/2013 23:13 - United States - Fayetteville

Today, I was lectured by my mother for staying out until 2 am because I went to a gig last night. I was told I was irresponsible and made to feel ashamed. Not only do I live on my own and pay my bills, but I'm almost 30. This is a regular occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 283
You deserved it 4 462

vegas518 tells us more.

vegas518 7

First of all, I'm a woman... Not a man. So I'm most definitely not a mama's boy. My mom lives near by and she's older. I am the youngest as well. It's easier to say "stand up to her" or "grow some balls" - I've tried that and trust me... It's not worth the fight that happens afterward. Thanks for listening though.

Top comments

KareBear7364 5

sigh, parenting... it never ends.

Tell your Mother off. Parents, like children, need boundaries. You are an adult for the love of God!


Don't worry, still happens at 50. FML

Why would your mom be at your house?

If you live at home you deserve it for not moving out. If you have your own place then damn your mom is crazy!

Lordalucad 9

"Not only do I live on my own"

vegas518 7

First of all, I'm a woman... Not a man. So I'm most definitely not a mama's boy. My mom lives near by and she's older. I am the youngest as well. It's easier to say "stand up to her" or "grow some balls" - I've tried that and trust me... It's not worth the fight that happens afterward. Thanks for listening though.

Looks like you're going to have to either move away or out-crazy her OP.

I feel you fights with parents never end well

To the op I know how you feel I'm 34 f and yes I do live with my parents but I'm good human and they always talk to me like a kid or teen and always think I'm like I'm problem kid aka a bad kid who gets makes trouble ugh!

60, if you're 34 years old, you should know how to write a proper paragraph. I'm 21, Male, and I still live with my parents as well. I'm currently looking for a place, but my vehicle broke, so I can't move out yet. That is the only reason I can see people still live with their parents, financial issues. Unless they are actually dependant on their parents.

StarThrower 17

I think another good reason is moving in to take care of an elderly parent.

You've obviously decided that your choice is to allow this to continue because its easier and "not worth the fight". For that reason, you deserve it. Regardless of the circumstances, you're an adult. If you allow yourself to be treated as a child you have to accept what comes from that choice.

Octwo 16

63, you obviously never had to deal with this kind of crap. I have and it's not that easy to lay down the law with an over-controlling parent. What makes it worse is that my father is rather intelligent and can make you feel like an idiot even if you're 100% in the right. I feel for you OP, it's not fun having your parent(s) think they still control your life.

Setting boundaries with family members is hard since they don't think you should be able to do that, but you need to do that. Trust me: it's worth it. Read "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud. it'll help you build those healthy boundaries.

That's ok my in laws live with us since my husband and my motherinlaw are on disability we split the mortgage on the house 50-50 and share the bills and we still get treated like we're living in their good graces and talk down to us it's rather frustrating (me and my fatherinlaw both work as well)

MalloryCW 6

Same thing happens to my Dad when he's out late or does something because my grandparents (his parents) live right next door. I would suggest changing the kicks as well so she can't get in and maybe try to discuss the issue with her calmly. Good luck OP.

how about getting your own place? ding ding ding. you clearly don't pay ALL the bills if you're living with mama.

#74, read the fml. She does live on her own.

A much more acceptable case than 60, I have to say. Good luck with that, and to OP: maybe you should consider relocating? Moms can't act like that if you're in a different time zone :P

countryrose92 23

I've dealt with this. I moved far enough away that my parents cannot just "swing by" but close enough that if I call or get into an accident they will be there shortly, makes it so I am independent but still have my parents if I need them. Maybe this could be an option?

I totally understand how you feel. I've also moved out and my parents insist that a 'proper' bedtime should be 11:30 pm. I know you said discussions weren't worth the fight, but trust me you NEED them. I'm not saying over every little thing (it's true, some subjects just aren't worth the hassle), but ones which are really unreasonable (like a set curfew) need to be addressed. Good luck on solving this, and remember, the problem won't disappear by simply ignoring it.

I'm 23 and I've moved to a different city and I still get angry phone calls from my mother telling me to come home it's been 4 years she also yells at me for stupid reasons like if I have a cold mom's will just be mom's

over protective mother I know that feel I have one as well but definatley better than my friend

I know you're pain. My entire family treats me like a child and if I say anything about it, even politely, its like WW III. People who say to "lay down the law" or "tell her off" obviously were never told to respect their elders.

Skylansmile 11

74: She clearly states that her mom lives near-by...

I moved halfway across the US and I still get calls asking if my homework is done. There is no escape

How about moving to the next neighborhood or something

Charity Taylor 17

I can relate to your pain my friend. I'm 21, and my father is very intense and tried to keep me confined to his house and work only unless I was with him. I've moved out but now he insists the reason I don't visit every single day is because my boyfriend took me away from him. The argument is relentless and agonizingly stupid.

Sounds like its time to limit moms time with you.

I can mos def understand the not wanting to start a fight, cause i used to have to deal with that, but at the very least why feel ashamed? Youre not doin anything wrong and she has no control anyway, so let her talk and then move on. Youre bringing the shame on your self in that case.

Your mother needs a life. Go tell her to live her own and let you live yours.

So don't fight. Dictate. Severe bond until she accepts you no longer live under her control.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You need to put your Mom in check but in a respectful way. Pick a time and sit down and talk with her and explain that this behavior is no longer appropriate. The longer you let this go on the worse it will get. Or simply refuse to engage the topic any further. When she brings up just say I'm not going to discuss this with you because I'm an adult who pays their own bills and lives on their own. I will work late in the future so please act like this is not a surprise. Last option is to move away even further.