By brit - 11/02/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, I was listening to my favorite radio station outta Detroit. A commercial came on for a program that was giving federal grants to people who were going into a trade, like me. Right as I was getting excited I heard the words "brought to you by the government of Canada." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 835
You deserved it 5 623

Same thing different taste


if u don't live in Canada OBVIOUSLY u can't apply for it or lie that ur from here unless ur doing the trade here duh. ps. Canada is way better. :)

i find that the more you bastarize the name of their homeland the more they hate you, try canadia, canadier and so on in that fashion...itll do the trick

FMLable 0

Relax people, I'm thinking this is a Canadian who was being sarcastic. I've convinced countless Americans that I have to go patch up my igloo because "30° gets a little melty." It was July here, too. I was kidding

Omg lol I hate how they think we Live in igloos some American once asked mr if we Celebrate the fourth of July I laughed so hard !!

Just wanted to remind u all THE 2010 OLYMPICS ARE IN VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA!!!!!!!!!! :-D Sorry!! I'm proud to be Canadian!

oh thats funny canada free grants america shitty bombs and mcdicks eveywhere

xd0rkiee 0

This isn't really a FML. It's not like you lost a federal grant.

thats what u get for living in a shitty contry like usa

ok here's the OP. didn't mean to offend Canada. just talking bout how crappy Michigan is. mmmk? if you think this is lame, Im sorry u aren't Intelligent enough to get the joke. thanks. :) gotta love 89x!!!