By Anna - 02/07/2016 21:08 - United States - Lake City

Today, I was looking at dating profiles with my single friend, trying to find a guy for her, and we found my husband's profile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 353
You deserved it 1 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Set them up on a date and confront your husband with it

Sounds like he'll be able to put that profile to use sooner rather than later. Get out OP, you deserve so much better!


If he doesn't know your friend, set her up on him and find out if he's active on that site! don't rush into anything or jump to conclusions..wait to have all the info and the confirmation that he goes on dates before confronting him with it, organise a fake date and see if he shows up and how (alone or with a friend who needs help with dating). Maybe it's a frenemy of yours or an ex of his that set up the account, so relax for the time being OP, get your answers first. If he really is a two timing a-hole, be glad you were able to free yourself, and get half the marital assets ;)) chin up OP, everything will be for the best, no matter what the outcome is.

Before assuming anything. Maybe he had it before your marriage or goes on it to meet friends. Another possibility is that a lot of sites start off as simple social sites to meet new people and then turn to dating. I'd sit him down and talk to him about it. Hope it's not what it seems, OP, and good luck.

Maybe it's an old account he never deactivated?

I feel for you OP, technology has made infidelity so easy that people find news ways to excuse and validate their actions. whether he was just chatting or seeing what's out there its a slippery slope that you shouldn't have to deal with from your husband. A really long talk about values and commitment is in order and if he can't fly straight,screenshot it send it to a divorce lawyer and find a person worthy of your affections best of luck hun.

Perhaps..but it's also made it much easier to catch them cheating. People will find ways of cheating technology or not, at least this leaves tracks whereas between the cheater and other person you have much less chance to find out.

although cheaters will be cheaters. I just feel as though with so many apps designed for hook ups and dating and apps designed to hide your apps/photos. Almost every web browser now has incognito mode now so no web history. Certain technology has made cheater easier.

pharmalady 10

My ex used to set up profiles "just to look at the pictures" which translated roughly into "screw every one of them who would let him." No small wonder I left him. Good luck to you.

you should create a fake profile and set up a date with your husband to catch him

The situation really sucks but... What are the odds of just randomly finding your husband on a dating site? That's crazy!

MBrabs1996 22

Is anyone thinking that maybe the profile is from before the husband met the OP?