By Anna - 02/07/2016 21:08 - United States - Lake City

Today, I was looking at dating profiles with my single friend, trying to find a guy for her, and we found my husband's profile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 353
You deserved it 1 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Set them up on a date and confront your husband with it

Sounds like he'll be able to put that profile to use sooner rather than later. Get out OP, you deserve so much better!


epicgamer 18

Maybe he forgot to delete it???

Oooh I've been there. I once found my now ex boyfriend's profile on a dating site. I knew his account was still active because he posted some new pics that he just finished sharing with me from an event he went to less then a week before.

Drain the bank account, grab everything and abandon the dick

I agree with some of the others. Is it a recent photo? If not, it could be an old profile he never got around to deleting. If so, it could be a scammer. You might want to have a calm, measured conversation with your husband about this before doing anything rash.

Have a friend he's doesn't know make a profile, set them up on a date and when he shows up serve him with divorce papers.

Like others have suggested it could be for a number of reasons (old account, scammers etc). Another possibility is many people also do use dating websites to make new friends. Hopefully it is one of these reasons rather than a more negative one.

Shay_Shay97 23

Well, he's a goner. Ready the trumpets.

I hope that we get more of an explanation, because all these divorce-pushers don't realize that it could be an old profile.