By Anna - 02/07/2016 21:08 - United States - Lake City

Today, I was looking at dating profiles with my single friend, trying to find a guy for her, and we found my husband's profile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 353
You deserved it 1 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Set them up on a date and confront your husband with it

Sounds like he'll be able to put that profile to use sooner rather than later. Get out OP, you deserve so much better!


Sorry OP. I know the pain you felt at that moment" and beyond. This is how I found out that my long time girlfriend, that I was very much in love with, was cheating. My brother found her profile on I made a fake profile and msg'd her, just to be sure. Her profile was very active. Thats all I needed. Again, sorry for your pain. YLS.

epicgamer 18

Sorry to hear about that man. However, don't just assume that he was cheating, it might have been inactive, a scam account with photos found online, a prank by a sibling/friend etc.

Maybe he never turned it off? Unless you suspect it's a new development

Confront your husband OP, before you start judging, just to be safe..

Hopefully he just forgot to get rid of it. You need to have a serious convo about that tho.

Le_ponderer 14

*Gasps* There are no words... Actually, there are a few; Scum, Dirtbag, Low down scheming shitbag. What are you gonna do OP?

Not thrown anyone under the bus here... Profile could be old, and never deleted... Send msg see if you get a response... And go from there....

Screen shot, and also arrange a set up with a friend to bust him. Film it, and use in divorce proceedings.

In addition to the "it might be a bot/old account" it is not uncommon for married people to set up dating accounts and get a charge from the flirting but never actually do anything. The internet equivalent of flirting in a bar after work before coming home. Def time to have a talk with your husband though.

There's a big difference between flirting in a bar and setting up an account so you can flirt online. The first is more passive and unintentional; the second is very intentional.

I agree it's a lot more intentional but if her husband never intended to go beyond harmless (at least to his point of view) flirting then it's not the same as if he were actually using the site to find women to sleep with. If that's what's going on OP needs to have a chat with him and tell him to stop. But it doesn't necessarily mean she has to end things with him.

tounces7 27

I still have my profile on a dating site....because I don't think they ever actually delete it, even 10 years later. Do we know this is a RECENTLY made profile?

You can delete your own profile. Not a valid excuse. I was on several dating sites and each allow you to delete your profile.

#36, sometimes you just forget. My tinder profile is still up but I deleted the app. Deleting the app doesn't delete the profile. Sometimes people actually just don't think to go deactivate. If they've met in the past 5 years, it's fair to say maybe (if this is just an old account) he deleted the app or just stopped checking the website.

My husband and I met on a dating site and we both deleted our profiles once we decided we were serious about each other.

Yeah but people often forget to do that. And quite a few people would probably be honestly surprised to lean that deleting the app doesn't delete the profile.