By Anonymous - 17/11/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, I was looking at the annoucements in the newspaper and find out that my boyfriend of the past 6 years is supposed to be married in 2 days to what I thought was his ex-girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 551
You deserved it 3 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a little shit. Make a scandal. Disrupt the wedding. Perhaps she might not even know about you, or think YOU'RE the ex, which would make it all the better.

"Does anyone hear have reason these two should not be married here today? Speak now or forever hold your piece." I do. I've been dating him for the last 6 years. Then walk out. Let the bride handle it from there.


be his "guest of honor" and give a speech how great person he is and...! how do you know all this?!! well, u were his girl for the past 6 years!

hahaha I love all the "crash his wedding" comments. So funny! That really sucks though. Pretty amazing no one noticed for 6 whole years though O.o

You knew about it before you read it. Don't lie to yourself. Nobody has a second relationship and leaves behind no clues. You knew, but you denied it because you have no self-esteem.

It was probably just a typo. Call the newspaper and tell them to run a correction. "You've made a mistake, you see... he CAN'T be marrying her because he's MY boyfriend." They'll understand.

This is either complete bullshit or your an idiot... how the hell do you not notice something like that. Not wanting you to ever go near his house/apartment/whatever and massive amounts of unaccounted time weren't clues?

boatkicker 4

Perhaps he didn't live with his fiance, and therefore had no problem with the OP being there a lot of the time. And perhaps he was "working late" or something. My fiance works late all the time so it wouldn't strike me as suspicious at all (except when he's working late, he actually is working. Sometimes I even surprise him and bring him dinner, and hang out with him and his coworkers. HOORAY for informal jobs.)

What if the ex posted it to cause grief. Just one seed of doubt and a social circle filled with rumors might find that weak link in their relationship and maybe that's exactly what the ex is counting on. If this is true though, then that must be some nice comfortable sand that these women have been sticking their heads in.

And they say newspapers serve no purpose in a Web 2.0 world!

L0VEPiNK07 0

i agree. crash the wedding and **** his shit up! he deserves it! that asshole.

Punkartmama 0

How can so many girls post FMLs like this? Pathetic...

Because guys do shitty things like this every now and then.