By Nick - 13/08/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, I was looking in the refrigerator for something to drink. I found a jug of lemonade with a piece of paper on it saying "Mom's Lemonade, Don't Drink!" I was really thirsty, so I ignored it and drank the whole jug. My mom is about to have a colonoscopy and had filled it with laxatives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 406
You deserved it 147 131

Same thing different taste


Standupboi 0

If there is lemonade in the fridge, i will always choose it over water. Water is just so boring! Sort of like walking in the woods. Only when you walk in the woods, its at least relaxing. Water isn't relaxing. Unless you're floating on a raft down the mississippi river. Yeah.. been there, done that.. It's as cool as reminding a giraffe to wear a seatbelt! But the moral of the story is never draw polka dots on your twin brother's music stand.

You deserve this one a whole lot. Next time, use your brain to comprehend the words on the jug and actually think about why it's on there.

lobby0ne 0

You read the note...nuff said.

You should have read the note but i'm not surprised you didn't notice the taste. Most of them are citrus flavored and lemonade is a common way to drink it. Hope you didn't have any big plans. I could have been like the night before your first day of school. Cancel plans, read an old book, search the internet, and learn to read rules and follow them!!!

Exactly. I had a colonoscopy done a few months ago and had to drink that stuff to clean my system. The OP deserves it for not recognizing a major difference in taste of the laxative drink and regular lemonade.

shethrewmybaby 0

Maybe all these people are angry mom's

This FML is B U L L S H I T!!! As someone who has had multiple colonoscopies (for a genetic disorder), I can tell you that NO MATTER WHAT, the laxative TASTES LIKE CRAP, possibly with a hint of lemon. There is NO ******* WAY he drank a whole jug of the stuff without wanting to puke just from tasting it. No. *******. Way!!! Even thinking about that crap makes me want to puke!