By I don't know, son - 16/11/2013 01:53 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was lying beside my 5-year-old son to help him get to sleep. He turned his head and asked, "Daddy, why do you suck so much?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 843
You deserved it 4 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

This is exactly why I started a diary when my daughter was born. I write down the funny things she and her brother say, and I fully intend to use them to my full advantage at their respective weddings.


Ontario? Is this Rob Ford? It's ok, you can tell us.

Haha that's funny. Tell him you don't. Also ask him what makes him question that. Maybe he will tell you what is on his mind.

Aww. He's only five, OP. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. Just laugh it off. :)

Did you cry, because that might answer his question.

Then op feels bad heads out buys him a ps4.

footcheezeez 16

The title of this FML just made my day.

You should have said something just insanely crazy... Hahaha something like "because mommy was supposed to swallow you"