By I don't know, son - 16/11/2013 01:53 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was lying beside my 5-year-old son to help him get to sleep. He turned his head and asked, "Daddy, why do you suck so much?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 849
You deserved it 4 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

This is exactly why I started a diary when my daughter was born. I write down the funny things she and her brother say, and I fully intend to use them to my full advantage at their respective weddings.


Haha that is adorable! Tell him it runs in the family :)

That is the worst FML I've heard so far I mean your life sucks the most I am so sorry that your son said that to you but that's what I was talking about kids and old people get away with everything !!!

Aww today my son refused to talk to his dad who was away at camp on the phone because "daddy is boring." Kids just say stuff without a filter.

Damn why'd he say that? And what did you say to that?

"Because Daddy has to pay the bills somehow and those dicks won't suck themselves."

And the best father award goes too *drum roll*....

Don't worry OP I'm sure he was refering to chess.... you know? "Why do you suck so much chess?" he must fell asleep and you didn't notice :D

When I was a young boy,my father took me into the City, to see a marching band