By violet - 29/11/2009 22:52 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed minding my own business when my mom entered the room. I was proposed to a few weeks ago by my boyfriend, and my mom came in to tell me that my boyfriend's mom was on the phone. Turns out, he stole the engagement ring from her drawer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 099
You deserved it 3 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Navani 0

What an idiot, I would dump him.. He could have turned it into something romantic, like a ring with no rock and promise to fill it as he becomes more successful in life or something..


to cheap to get his own? lol. who knows, he's probably having a hard time or something with cash, let him explain himself and see if his excuse is good. who probably just wanted to impress u

Ladies and Gentlemen and submit to you, yet another New Jersey classic moment.

Dump him immediately. This is a precursor to the rest of your life together with him: if he wants something badly enough, he'll steal to get it, then will lie to those he loves about it. Run away as quickly as possible, because people like that don't change. Unfortunately, I know from experience; don't wake up years later and find out that he stole your mother's favorite ring, your father's gun, money from you and your parents, and that he was keeping the cash you were giving him, instead of paying the bills with it. Stay far, far away from that kind of person.

Gregory7 0

typical girl response (ooh he couldnt afford a ring so he stole to prove his love he's a satanic worshipper)no one realizes that true love is when your willing to go to the ends of the earth for the person you care about no matter how much trouble it gets you in and down the road when im married if there is no possible way to provide enough for my family goddamn right i'll steal for the ones i love and you can't blame every guy who makes a mistake just cause you had a shitty judge of character

Gregory7, you are 14 and know shit about life. Do yourself a favor and don't make juvenile comments until you are a little more mature. Jaguaress, that's the most sound advice out of all the comments here.

Honestly, by husband couldn't afford anything and I ended up paying a few hundred dollars for my own wedding ring. Not that the situation is ideal or anything but there are ways to do things without taking from others.

Agreed. Don't marry a thief that would happily steal from his own family.

I say you go through with the engagement. Think of how much money you'll save on the wedding!

eMo_gurll200 0

stop whining and realize how much ur bf cares about. i mean he stole a ring from his mom jus so that he could propose to u.

perstephane 4

If you're immature enough that you steal a ring to get engaged, I don't care how "well meaning" you are or if you're "in love" - you're not mature enough to get married. Doesn't matter if you're 16 or 36 - that's not something an adult does. And if you can't afford the ring, how on earth are you going to afford car payments, house/rent payments, utility bills, etc? Clearly "well meaning" and "well thought out" are in two very different camps.

Being able to afford a ring isn't what an engagement is all about. My ex-BF bought one of those $10 rings off of whatever discount store's accessories section. Granted, we were both unemployed high school kids at the time, and I broke it off for other reasons, but that wasn't going to stop us. However, stealing his mother's ring shows he has little respect for anyone. Dump him, he will end up doing the same to you.

AntiChrist7 0