By fme - 08/12/2010 14:34 - United States

Today, I was making out with this guy, and I ask him if he wants to take my bra off. He has some trouble getting it off and says, "This is strange, I do it for my sister all the time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 170
You deserved it 6 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She may be quadriplegic. Or, they may be siblings with benefits.


Or an awkward palm tree. If only i could show you the hand actions for these awkward things.

omg say what?? I know how the awkward palm tree goes! you put your wrists side by side and let your hands go limp!! my girlfriend does the awkward things all the time! is that from something? I thought she made them up...?

16, that picture of you is just way too cute to take anything you say seriously. :x ............ *footinmouth*

perdix 29

He probably just wasn't into having sex outside the family.

You know what they say... Some things you should keep in the family. Maybe they can have a family bang when they get married.

bannedpianoman 0

Did you take that from Joe Dirt?

I am just thrilled to see there is people on here defending that its ok to take off your sisters bra. What kind of sick shit?

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Uhhhmm... maybe his sister is morbidly obese or quadrapleigic?

Huh? Um, I'm pretty sure fat people can take off their own bras, can't they? Anyway, yeah, maybe she has a reason for not being able to take her bra off, if I had a disability and needed help with my bra, I sure as hell wouldn't go to my brother for it. That's weird. But maybe she doesn't have any female relatives?

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Well there is a difference between "fat" and "morbidly obese". Have you seen "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"? I reckon OP's fuckbuddy is simply a kind older brother and OP needs to invest in a better bra.

..... Even if she's morbidly obese as a cow... really?... does that really make this situation any better? It's still foul and Op will be bleeding from the ears in almost any situation.

In that case a female family member would probably be a better option. If you are a guy and you are taking off your sisters bra. There is an issue. So when you do laundry do you check your sisters underwear to see if they need washed by sniffing them too?

Why would I smell them? I know how long I've been wearing them.